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Free Workshop & Book Club Opportunity: Supporting Students and Ourselves in Times of Loss

Clare McMillan

You are invited to join Brittany Collins, author of Learning from Loss, for a free Workshop and Book Club Series entitled: An Introduction to Grief-Responsive Teaching: Supporting Students and Ourselves in Times of Loss.


  • March 9 • 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. MT

About the workshop:

Over 1.5 million children around the world have lost a parent or caregiver guardian to COVID-19 (Levin 2021), yet fewer than 1% of educators receive training related to grief support during their pre-service training (Densen, 2012). Through authentic discussion, interactive activities, and a review of research and actionable strategies for classroom practice, this workshop provides space for connection and reflection regarding the presence of loss (in its various forms) in the learning environment, as well as how teachers, counselors, instructional coaches, and administrators can preserve their own well-being in times of loss.

Join for free and consider participating in extended learning opportunities by joining monthly, hour-long book club sessions (March-May) exploring environmental, interpersonal, and curricular approaches to supporting grieving students using Learning from Loss as a mentor text (funding provided for folks who need financial assistance acquiring books for themselves or for colleagues).

In this workshop, we will:

  • Explore the impacts of loss on the brain, body, and behavior

  • Consider actionable strategies for using knowledge of grief to scaffold learning environments and assignments that are grief-responsive.

  • Examine interpersonal, environmental, and curricular aspects of grief-responsive teaching to create conditions supportive of all learners (and teachers!).


  • Session 1 on March 31, 2022: Creating a grief-responsive classroom environment

  • Session 2 on April 28, 2022: Fostering grief-responsive relationships with students and colleagues

  • Session 3 on May 26, 2022: Looking at curricula through a grief-responsive lens

About Brittany:

Brittany R. Collins is an author, educator, and curriculum designer dedicated to supporting teachers’ and students’ social and emotional well-being, especially in times of adversity. Her work explores the impacts of grief, loss, and trauma in the school system, as well as how innovative pedagogies– from inquiry-based, idea-centered learning to identity development curricula– can create conditions supportive of all learners.

Brittany is the author of Learning from Loss: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Supporting Grieving Students (Heinemann 2021). Her articles have appeared in such outlets as The Washington Post, Education Week, Edutopia, We Need Diverse Books, English Journal, and Literacy & NCTE of the National Council of Teachers of English, Inside Higher Ed, Brevity blog, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and Thrive Global, among other outlets. Brittany has designed and delivered curricula and educational programming for students of all ages through PBS Learning Media; Smith College; Boston University; Race Project Kansas City; Write the World; and the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Learn more about her work at or @brcollins27 on Twitter.

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