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Discourse and Solutions


CO ASCD is a bi-partisan educational organization. We believe that uniting and influencing the P-20 educational community to promote excellence for each Colorado learner is key to the development of our students in our state. CO ASCD provides a place for professional growth and educator's voices to be heard using mature discourse, problem solving, and innovation at the highest form for the good of all our children.

"In light of the most recent tragedy in Florida, there is a great debate about what we should do as a nation, as states, and as individual communities regarding the safety of our children."

That debate has not skipped my home either. As you are thinking of the children and families you serve day in and day out, as well as the ones you tuck in at night, I would like to ask you to think of the possible solutions from all different angles, different perspectives, including the ones that you cannot even fathom you would ever say yes to implementing. Use that discourse that is ingrained in you as an educator. Use the knowledge you have of childhood development, learning theory, and what other nations do to protect their children to decipher what you believe is the best course of action to take in your school, your community, and our amazing state.

As you think about what safety means and looks like in our schools, I recommend reading ASCD's Whole Child Initiative that includes six tenets promoting long-term development and success for all children. My eye is drawn to the second tenet, safe, where each student learns in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and adults. To learn more about this tenet, take some time to read the Whole Child Tenet #2 Safe Indicators. Use it as the litmus test for every possible solution as you decide what the best way is to keep Colorado's children safe.

Jill Lewis, CO ASCD President


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